Dukane chose to become ISO 9001:2008 certi-
fied in order to demonstrate to our customers
our continuing commitment to being a quality
vendor. By passing its audit, Dukane can assure
you that we have in place a well–defined and
systematic approach to quality design, manu-
facturing, delivery and service. This certificate
reinforces Dukane's status as a quality vendor
of technology and products.
To achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification, you
must prove to one of the quality system regis-
trar groups that you meet three requirements:
1. Leadership
2. Involvement
3. Quality in Line Organizations and Quality
System Infrastructure.
The ISO 9001:2008 standard establishes a
minimum requirement for these requirements
and starts transitioning the company from a
traditional inspection–oriented quality system
to one based on partnership for continuous
improvement. This concept is key in that Du-
kane no longer focuses on inspection, but on
individual processes.
Dukane's quality management system is based
on the following three objectives:
1. Customer oriented quality. The aim is to
improve customer satisfaction.
2. Quality is determined by people. The aim
is to improve the internal organization and
cooperation between staff members.
3. Quality is a continuous improvement.
The aim is to continuously improve the
internal organization and the competitive
Dukane products are manufactured in ISO
registered facilities.