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Section 3 – Installation
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-573-02
Pin Signal Name
1 Setup Bit 0 Input
2 Setup Bit 1 Input
3 Setup Bit 2 Input
4 Setup Bit 3 Input
5 Input Common
6 MPC Ready Out
7 Output Common
Table 3-II MPC I/O Connector Signals
MPC I/O Connector Pinout
The MPC I/O connector is a two-piece pluggable termi-
nal block connector.
Table 3-II lists the signal names and descriptions, with
more detailed descriptions listed below.
Pin 1 (Setup Bit 0 Input)
Setup Bit 0 is the least signicant bit used to select differ-
ent probe channels when a Multi-Probe Control (MPC)
Interface is used. This MPC control bit is used on all
MPC systems.
Pin 2 (Setup Bit 1 Input)
Setup Bit 1 is the second least signicant bit used to se-
lect different probe channels when a MPC Interface is
used. This MPC control bit is used on MPC systems with
three or more channels.
Pin 3 (Setup Bit 2 Input)
Setup Bit 2 is the third least signicant bit used to select
different probe channels when a MPC Interface is used.
This MPC control bit is used on MPC systems with ve
or more channels.
Pin 4 (Setup Bit 3 Input)
Setup Bit 3 is the second most signicant bit used to se-
lect different probe channels when a MPC Interface is
used. This MPC control bit is used on MPC systems with
nine or more channels.
Pin 5 (Input Common) [Electrically connected to
Pin 13 on System I/O connector.]
Pin 5 is electrically isolated from chassis ground. Using
sourcing (PNP) output drivers, this common line would
be connected to the automation system ground potential.
Using sinking (NPN) output drivers, this common line
would be connected to the automation system positive
supply voltage
output. Refer to Section 6 for wiring
examples to connect input signals.
Pin 6 (MPC Ready Out)
Pin 6 is a non-isolated digital NPN status output that
activates when the MPC control is ready to accept
changes on the probe selection control bits and ready to
start the next MPC welding cycle. This output will be an
open circuit when the MPC system is not ready to accept
changes to control input signals, and it is able to switch a
sourcing PNP input ON or OFF.
Any changes will be ignored until this status output signal
activates to the ready state. This status output signal will
also be open (MPC NOT READY) if a fault condition
is detected inside the MPC system. If this status output
will not activate, check for a RED fault status indication
(SYSTEM STATUS LED) on the front panel of the MPC
Pin 7 (Output Common)
Pin 7 is connected to chassis ground. The non-isolated
NPN status output signal can drive an isolated PNP input
on the automation control system.
Refer to Section 6 for wiring examples to connect output
The Input Common Pins: Pin 13 of the
System I/O connector and Pin 5 on the
MPC I/O connector are both electrically
isolated from chassis ground, but they
are connected together. Both of these
signals must be connected to the same
voltage potential, either automation
system ground or the automation sys-
tem positive supply voltage.