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Section 3 – Installation
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-573-02
Pin 1 (Enable Out) This is a current limited voltage source output intended
to connect to an E-Stop circuit. If an E-Stop circuit is
not used, Pin 1 must be jumpered to Pin 2 for ultrasound
operation to be enabled.
Pin 2 (Enable In) The output from the E-Stop circuit is connected to this
pin when an E-Stop circuit is used. Otherwise, this pin
must be jumpered to Pin 1 for ultrasound operation to
be enabled. See Figure 6-4 for E-Stop circuit wiring
Pin 3 (Overload Out)Pin 3 is a non-isolated digital NPN status output that
activates when an output overload condition is tripped.
This output will be an open circuit if an output overload
condition is not tripped. This output will remain latched
ON until the U/S Activate input is switched OFF and
then ON again.
Pin 4 (Ultrasound Active Status Output)Pin 4 is a non-isolated digital NPN status output that
activates when the system is delivering ultrasonic power
to the load attached to the ultrasound output connector.
This output will be an open circuit when the ultrasound
output is off.
Pin 5 (Any Fault Out)Pin 5 is a non-isolated digital NPN status output that
activates whenever any fault condition is detected that
inhibits ultrasound output and normal system operation.
This output will be an open circuit when no system fault
conditions are active.
Pin 6 (Power OK Out)Pin 6 is a non-isolated digital NPN status output that
activates when no fault conditions are detected by any of
the power fault detection circuits included in the system.
This output will be an open circuit when any power
related fault condition is detected.
Pin 7 (Output Common)Pin 7 is connected to chassis ground. The non-isolated
NPN status output signals can drive isolated PNP inputs
on the automation control system. Refer to Section 6 for
wiring examples to connect output signals.
Pin 8 (Spare Status Out)Pin 8 is not functional with the standard factory
Pin 9 (Analog Power Out +)Pin 9 is a analog output signal proportional to the true
RMS ultrasound power output level. This signal is
scaled so 1mV = 1 Watt.
Pin 10 (Analog Power Out -)Pin 10 is a signal ground (non-isolated chassis ground)
for the Analog Power output signal on Pin 9.
Pin 11 (Fault Reset Input)Pin 11 is an isolated input control signal that will reset
any output faults when it is activated. It can be used
by the automation control system to simplify PLC
Pin 12 (U/S Activate Input)Pin 12 is used to activate the generator ultrasound
output. Activating this isolated control input will switch
the ultrasound output ON, and deactivating this signal
will switch ultrasound OFF.
Pin 13 (Input Common)[Electrically connected to Pin 5 on MPC I/O connector
if MPC Interface option is installed.]
Pin 13 is electrically isolated from chassis ground.
Using sourcing (PNP) output drivers, this common line
would be connected to the automation system power
supply common. Using sinking (NPN) output drivers,
this common line would be connected to the automation
system positive supply
output. Refer to Section 6 for
wiring examples to connect these input signals.