DuPont™ VELPAR® DF is recommended for control of certain weeds where the following species are grown:
Fir, Douglas (western US only) | Pseudotsuga menziesii |
Fir, Fraser | Abies fraseri |
Fir, grand | Abies grandis |
Fir, noble | Abies procera |
Pine, Austrian | Pinus nigra |
Pine, loblolly | Pinus taeda |
Pine, ponderosa | Pinus ponderosa |
Pine, Scotch | Pinus sylvestris |
Spruce, Sitka | Picea sitchensis |
Do not use VELPAR® DF on Christmas trees in the following states:
Alabama | Louisiana | New Jersey | Texas |
Arkansas | Maine | New York | Vermont |
Connecticut | Maryland | North Carolina | Virginia |
Delaware | Massachusetts | Pennsylvania | West Virginia |
Georgia | Mississippi | Rhode Island |
Florida | New Hampshire | South Carolina |
Apply VELPAR® DF as a broadcast spray in the spring prior to bud break. If application is made after bud break, use directional spray equipment to prevent contact with foliage.
Areas of greater than 20 inches annual rainfall - VELPAR® DF may be applied as a broadcast spray in the spring prior to conifer bud break. If application is made after bud break, use directional spray equipment to prevent contact with foliage.
Areas of less than 20 inches annual rainfall - VELPAR® DF may be applied in the fall before the soil freezes or in the spring after snow cover melts, but before conifer bud break occurs.
The rates listed below are for broadcast application. For band application, use proportionately less; for example, use 1/2 of the broadcast rates when treating a
Do not use more than one application of VELPAR® DF per year.
VELPAR® DF (Lb/Acre)
Soils | First Year Plantings | Established Trees |
Coarse Texture |
Loamy sand, |
sandy loam |
1 1/3 | 1 1/3 - 1 2/3 | |
Medium Texture |
Loam, silt loam |
silt, clay loam, |
sandy clay loam | 1 1/3 - 1 2/3 | 1 2/3 - 2 1/3 |
Fine Texture |
Silty clay loam, |
clay loam, |
sandy clay, |
silty clay, clay | 1 2/3 - 2 | 2 1/3 - 2 2/3 |
First year plantings - Transplant stock that is 2 years old or more (1 year old for loblolly pine). Apply VELPAR® DF only if rainfall has settled the soil around the base and root systems of the transplants.
Established trees - Trees that have been planted in the plantation for 1 year or more.
VELPAR® DF is recommended for the control or suppression of the following weed species in Christmas tree crops:
Aster, heath* | Aster ericoides |
Barnyardgrass | Echinochloa |
Bentgrass, common | Agrostis alba |
Bluegrass, annual | Poa annua |
Bromegrass | Bromus spp |
Burnweed, American* | Erechtites hieracifolius |
Carrot, wild | Daucus carota |
Crabgrass* | Digitaris spp |
Curly dock* | Rumex crispus |
Daisy, oxeye | Chrysanthemum leucanthemum |
Dandelion, common* | Taraxacum officinale |
Dandelion, false* |
(spotted catsear) | Hypochaeris radicata |
Fescue* | Festuca spp |
Fleabane | Conyza spp |
Foxtail | Setaria spp |
Goldenrod* | Solidago spp |
Groundsel, common | Senecio vulgaris |
Horseweed/marestail | Conyza canadensis |
Orchardgrass * | Dactylis glomerata |
Ragweed, common | Ambrosia elatior |
Ryegrass, Italian (annual) | Lolium multiflorum |
Ryegrass, perennial* | Lolium perenne |
Smartweed, Pennsylvania | Polygonum pensylvanicum |
Velvetgrass, common | Holcus lanatus |
*Suppression – a visible reduction in plant population and/or plant vigor as compared to an untreated area and generally not accepted as control.
VELPAR® DF may be applied by ground equipment or by air.
Select a spray volume that will ensure a thorough and uniform application. Apply a minimum of 5 gallons per acre by air and a minimum of 10 gallons per acre by ground equipment.
•Do not use VELPAR® DF in nurseries, seed beds, or ornamental plantings.
•Do not add a surfactant in applications over the top of conifers.
•Weed control results from spring applications depend on sufficient moisture to activate VELPAR® DF.
•Do not cut treated vegetation for forage or hay nor graze domestic animals on treated areas for 60 days following application.
•Poor weed and brush control may result from the following: