When treating brush that requires more than a single delivery of the VELPAR® DF suspension, apply subsequent deliveries equally spaced around the target plant. If treating brush on sloping sites, apply most of the suspension on the uphill side of the stem. If treating resprouts from brush disturbed by cutting or other mechanical methods, the rate of application should be proportional to the original tree size, not just the size of sprout regrowth.
Where burning is desired, burn the vegetation only after any residual brush has completely defoliated, at least twice, allowing for sufficient root uptake of VELPAR® DF.
Following harvest, allow sufficient time for stumps and injured trees to adequately resprout before applying VELPAR® DF.
VELPAR® DF is recommended for conifer release where the following species are grown:
Fir, balsam | Abies balsamea |
Pine, loblolly | Pinus taeda |
Pine, longleaf | Pinus palustris |
Pine, red | Pinus resinosa |
Pine, shortleaf | Pinus echinata |
Pine, slash | Pinus elliotti |
Pine, Virginia | Pinus virginiana |
Spruce, black | Picea mariana |
Spruce, Norway | Picea abies |
Spruce, red | Picea rubens |
Spruce, white | Picea glauca |
Fir, Douglas | Pseudotsuga menziesii |
Fir, grand | Abies grandis |
Fir, Noble | Abies procera |
Fir, white | Abies concolor |
Hemlock,Western | Tsuga heterophylla |
Pine, Jeffrey | Pinus jeffreyi |
Pine, lodgepole | Pinus contorta |
Pine, ponderosa | Pinus ponderosa |
Spruce, blue | Picea pungens |
Spruce, Englemann | Picea englemannii |
Spruce, Sitka | Picea sitchensis |
Apply VELPAR® DF from early spring to early summer after hardwoods have broken bud and before full leaf expansion.
Applications made over the top of pines may result in excessive pine injury under conditions of high humidity and temperature (80 degrees F).
Rainbelt (areas of high spring rainfall): For best results, apply in late winter or spring when brush is actively growing, but prior to conifer budbreak. If application is made after bud break, use directional spray equipment to prevent contact with conifer foliage, as injury may result.
Snowbelt (areas of low spring rainfall): For best results, apply in the fall before soil freezes and after the final resting bud has hardened on the conifers. Or, spring applications may be made after snow cover melts in anticipation of rainfall prior to conifer budbreak. Brush control results from spring treatments will be dependent on sufficient rainfall following application to activate VELPAR® DF.
The rates listed below are for broadcast application. Do not use more than one application of VELPAR® DF per year. Use the higher rate range for the harder to control* (suppression) species in the PLANTS CONTROLLED listings of the Site Prep and Release sections.
| VELPAR® DF | |
| (Lb/Acre) |
Crop Species | Soil Description | Established Trees | |
Loblolly pine | Loamy sand, |
Longleaf pine | sandy loam |
| 1 1/3 - 2 |
Shortleaf pine | Loam, silt loam, |
Virginia pine | silt, sandy clay loam |
| 1 1/3 - 2 2/3 |
Slash pine | Silty clay loam, |
| clay loam, sandy clay, |
| silty clay, clay |
| 3 - 4 |
Red pine | Loamy sand, sandy loam | 1 1/3 - 2 2/3 | |
| Loam, silt loam, silt, |
| sandy clay loam |
| 2 2/3 - 4 |
| Silty clay loam, clay loam, | ||
| sandy clay, silty clay, clay | 4 - 5 1/3 |
Established Trees
•4 years of age from transplanting on
•3 years of age from transplanting on
•2 years of age from transplanting for Red Pine
Application rates by soil type for VELPAR® DF in the following western conifers: Blue spruce, Douglas fir, Engleman spruce, Grand fir, Jeffrey pine, Lodgepole pine, Noble fir, Ponderosa pine, Sitka spruce, Western hemlock and White fir.