The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). The WPS applies when this product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries, or greenhouses.
Industrial and Pasture/Rangeland weed and brush control applications as described on this label for DuPont VELPAR DF are not within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard.
The area being treated must be vacated by unprotected persons.
Do not enter or allow entry into treated areas until sprays have dried to perform hand tasks.
DuPont™ VELPAR® DF is recommended for general weed and brush control as follows: uncultivated nonagricultural areas (such as, airports, highway, railroad and utility
VELPAR® DF is recommended for control of many annual, biennial, and perennial weeds in noncrop, industrial sites.
Apply VELPAR® DF as a preemergence or postemergence spray when weeds are actively germinating or growing.
VELPAR® DF effectively controls the following weeds when applied at the use rates shown in industrial sites. When applied at lower rates, VELPAR® DF provides
Use lower rate on
2 2/3 - 6 2/3 Lb/Acre
Barnyardgrass | Echinochloa |
Bindweed, field* | Convolvulus arvensis |
Bouncingbet* | Saponaria officinalis |
Bromegrass | Bromus spp |
Buffalograss* | Buchloe dactyloides |
Burdock | Arctium spp |
Cocklebur | Xanthium spp |
Crabgrass | Digitaria spp |
Crown vetch | Coronilla varia |
Curly dock* | Rumex crispus |
Dandelion, common* | Taraxacum officinale |
Dandelion, false* |
(spotted catsear) | Hypochaeris radicata |
Dogbane* | Apocynum cannabinum |
Fiddleneck, tarweed | Amsinckia lycopsoides |
Filaree | Erodium spp |
Fleabane, | Conyza bonariensis |
Goatsbeard vine (sweet briar) | Aruncus sylvester |
Goldenrod | Solidago spp |
Horseweed/marestail | Conyza canadensis |
Lespedeza | Lespedeza cuneata |
Milkweed, common* | Asclepias syriacea |
Mustard, wild | Sinapis arvensis |
Nutsedge* | Cyperus spp |
Oats, wild* | Avena fatua |
Orchardgrass * | Dactylis glomerata |
Orchardgrass (seedling) | Dactylis glomerata |
Oxalis | Oxalis spp |
Paragrass | Panicum purpurascens |
Parsnip, wild | Pastinaca sativa |
Pigweed | Amaranthus spp |
Purslane, common | Portulaca oleracea |
Quackgrass | Agropyron repens |
Ryegrass, Italian (annual) | Lolium multiflorum |
Smartweed | Polygonum spp |
Spurge | Euphorbia spp |
Star thistle | Centaurea spp |
Trumpetcreeper* | Campsis radicans |
8 - 10 2/3 Lb/Acre |
Aster, heath | Aster ericoides |
Bahiagrass* | Paspalum notatum |
Bermudagrass* | Cynodon dactylon |
Blackberry | Rubus spp |
Bluegrass | Poa spp |
Broomsedge | Andropogon virginicus |
Camphorweed | Heterotheca subaxillaris |
Canada thistle* | Cirsium arvense |
Carrot, wild | Daucus carota |
Chickweed | Stellaria media |
Clovers | Trifolium spp |
Dewberry | Rubus trivialis |
Dogfennel | Eupatorium capillifolium |
Fescue* | Festuca spp |
Fingergrass | Digitaria ciliaris |
Foxtail | Setaria spp |
Guineagrass | Panicum maximum |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera spp |
Horseweed/marestail | Conyza canadensis |
Lantana | Lantana camara |
Lettuce, prickly | Lactuca serriola |
Natalgrass (red top) | Rhynchelytrum repens |
Plantain | Plantago spp |
Ragweed, common | Ambrosia elatior |
Smutgrass** | Sporobolus indicus |
Spanishneedles | Bidens bipinnata |
Vaseygrass | Paspalum urvillei |
*Suppression – a visible reduction in plant population and/or plant vigor as compared to an untreated area and generally not accepted as control.
**Suppression may result with some of the giant (larger) smutgrass species.