•Injury may occur when DuPont™ VELPAR® DF is used on the following:
VELPAR® DF is recommended for control of certain weeds in pineapple.
Mix the proper amount of VELPAR® DF in water. Add a surfactant at the rate of 0.25% V/V.
Use the lower rates on
Intercrop period - Apply VELPAR® DF as a broadcast spray in
Post mulch, preplant - Apply VELPAR® DF as a broadcast spray in
Post plant, before planted cuttings start active growth - Apply VELPAR® DF as a broadcast spray in
Prior to forcing first ratoon - Apply VELPAR® DF as a broadcast spray in
Directed postemergence (pineapple and weeds) interspace application - Apply VELPAR® DF as a directed spray
Directed spot treatments for perennial grasses before floral induction - Spray perennial grasses postemergence to wet
1 1/3 - 2 1/3 pounds per 100 gallons of water as a spot treatment.
Treatments to field edges and roadsides - Apply VELPAR® DF at 2 1/3 - 4 8/10 pounds per acre in
VELPAR® DF is recommended for the control or suppression of the following species in pineapple crops:
Ageratum, tropic | Ageratum conycoides |
Balsamapple | Momordica charantia |
Castorbean | Ricinus communis |
Crabgrass | Digitaria spp |
Crotalaria | Crotolaria spp |
Dallisgrass | Paspalum dilatatum |
Guineagrass | Panicum maximum |
Junglerice | Echinochloa colonum |
Kao haole* | Leucaena glauca |
Moana loa vine* | Canavalia cathartica |
Morningglory | Ipomoea spp |
Oxalis | Oxalis spp |
Popolo | Solanum sandwicense |
Richardsonium | Richardsonia spp |
Vaseygrass | Paspalum urvillei |
*Suppression – a visible reduction in plant population and/or plant vigor as compared to an untreated area and generally not accepted as control.
•Do not exceed 4.8 lb VELPAR® DF per acre per crop.
•Do not apply VELPAR® DF within 181 days of harvest.
VELPAR® DF is recommended for selective weed control in sugarcane except in the State of Florida.
Apply a single treatment of VELPAR® DF per year using a
Apply VELPAR® DF pre- or postemergence at the following rates for the indicated soil texture:
| DuPont™ |
VELPAR® DF (Lb/Acre) | |
| (Plus surfactant |
Soils | 0.25% by volume) |
Coarse Texture |
Sand, loamy sand, sandy loam | 2/3 - 1 2/10 |
Medium Texture |
Loam, silt loam, silty clay loam | 2/3 - 2 1/3 |
Fine Texture |
Clay, gray hydromorphic clay | 2 1/3 - 4 8/10 |
Use the higher levels of the recommended dosage ranges on soils high in organic matter. Do not apply more than twice the highest recommended rate for the indicated soil texture per crop
A surfactant is recommended for all uses.