3. Press to change the first number, then press to move the cur-
sor to the next number and repeat until the depth is correct. Press ENT.
4. Press to SHALLOW ALARM ENABLED|ENT. To turn on the alarm, high-
light the SHALLOW ALARM ENABLED box and press ENT.
To adjust and turn on the deep alarm:
1. From the Sonar Alarms menu, press to DEEP ALARM ENABLED| to
2. Press to change the first number, then press to move the cur-
sor to the next number and repeat until the depth is correct. Press ENT.
3. Press to DEEP ALARM ENABLED|ENT. To turn on the alarm, highlight
the DEEP ALARM ENABLED box and press ENT.
Zone Alarm
The zone alarm is triggered when any echo passes inside the zone
alarm bar, shown on the right side of the screen.
To adjust and turn on the zone alarm:
1. From the Sonar Alarms menu, press to ZONE ALARM ENABLED| to
Sonar Alarms menu with Adjust Zone command selected (left).
Adjust Zone Alarm selection box with Upper selected (right).
2. To set the upper boundary for the Zone Alarm, use to select
UPPER, then press to move the top of the bar to the desired depth.
3. To set the lower boundary for the Zone Alarm, use to select LOWER,
then press to move the bottom of the bar to the desired depth.
4. Press EXIT| to ZONE ALARM ENABLED|ENT. Now, any echo — fish, bot-
tom, structure — within the zone alarm's depth range will trigger the
zone alarm. To turn off the alarm, highlight the ZONE ALARM ENABLED box
and press ENT.