containing the threat.
Source Routing checking: Source routing gives the sender of a packet the ability to
determine the exact route that an IP packet takes to get to the destination.
However, source routing can be used for malicious reasons. Using a source
routed packet, the sender could find out important information about nodes in a
network, making it easy to exploit any weakness. Enabling Source Routing
checking will cause the firewall to filter out any packet with Source Routing
WinNuke Attack checking: WinNuke exploits a large networking bug found in
Windows 95 and NT. WinNuke sends erroneous OOB (Out-of Band) data that
Windows is unable to process, causing the target computer to crash. Enable this
if you are running an early (95 or NT) version of Windows that is vulnerable to this
Note: Click the Submit button to save the settings in temporary memory. If you make
changes the configurations.