Effects setting
4: Enhancer5: Comp&DeEsser No. Parameter
name Range of values Default
values Explanation
1 SENSE 0–100 50 Adjusts the sensitivity of the enhanc-
er effect.
2 MIX 0–100 50
Adjusts the amount of phase-shifted
sound that is to be mixed with the in-
3 LEVEL 0–120 100 Adjusts the overall volume.
No. Parameter
name Range of values Default
values Explanation
SW. OFF, ON ON Turn this ON to reduce unpleasant
2 THRESHOLD 0–100 50
Specifies the volume (threshold lev-
el) at which the compressor will be-
gin to operate. Compression will be
applied to the input when it exceeds
this level. Lower threshold settings
mean that the compressor will be ap-
plied even at lower levels.
3 RATIO 1.0:1, 1.2:1, 1.5:1, 2.0:1, 2.8:1,
4.0:1, 8.0:1, 16.0:1, Inf:1 4.0:1
Adjusts the ratio at which the sound
will be compressed when the input
exceeds the threshold level. Higher
ratios mean that the sound will be
compressed more strongly.
4 ATTACK 0.25–100ms 10ms
Adjusts the time over which the
amount of compression specified by
Ratio will be reached once compres-
sion is triggered by the input exceed-
ing the threshold level. Higher
settings of Attack mean that com-
pression will be applied more slow-
5 RELEASE 50–5000ms 100ms
Adjusts the time over which com-
pression will be removed once the
input falls below the threshold level.
Higher settings of Release mean that
the sound will revert to its uncom-
pressed state more slowly.
(The value will change in
steps of 0.5dB)
0.0dB Adjusts the gain following compres-
7 LEVEL 0–120 100 Adjusts the overall volume.
R-4_e.book 57 ページ 2005年2月10日 木曜日 午後3時36分