Washing Programmes
Programmes for cotton and linen
| Wash programme | Degree of soil | Programme |
| Description | Possible options | Max. | Progr. | ||||
| and type of laundry | dial position |
| load | time | |||||||
| mins. | ||||
| ||
| Prewash |
| |
| |
| Whites | For heavy soiled cotton |
| at 40 °C |
| A |
| Wash at 95°C |
| ||
| items (whites and |
| 5 kg | 170 |
| |||
| with prewash |
| 3 rinses |
| ||||
| coloureds). |
| Long spin at |
| |
| 1200 rpm |
| White cotton, for |
| Wash at 95 °C |
| |
| example normally soiled |
| |
| Whites | B |
| 3 rinses |
| |
| work garments, sheets, |
| 5 kg | 140 |
| |||
| Long spin at |
| |||||
| household linen, |
| 1200 rpm |
| underwear, towels. |
| |
| |
| Fast coloured cotton or |
| Wash at 60 °C |
| Fast coloureds | C(*) |
| 3 rinses |
| |
| linen fabrics, shirts, |
| 5 kg | 140 |
| |||
| Long spin at |
| |||||
| underwear, towels. |
| 1200 rpm |
| |
| Non fast | Non fast coloured |
| Wash at 40 °C |
| cotton or linen fabrics, | D |
| 3 rinses |
| 5 kg | 115 |
| |
| coloureds | shirts, blouses, |
| Long spin at |
| |||
| underwear. |
| 1200 rpm |
| |
| Spin 1200 | Separate spin for | F |
| Long spin at |
| 5 kg | 12 |
| cotton and linen items |
| 1200 rpm |
| ||||
(*)This programme at 60°C (Fast coloureds) with cold water filling is the reference programme for the Energy label according to EEC Directive 92/75.
•Some programmes, when selected, may start with a short drain. This is quite normal and not a fault of the machine. When a programme is selected, the selector dial will advance to the water filling position. E.g. Programme B is selected, there is a short drain. The appliance takes in water and the selector will appear to move to the C position. The appliance will have memorised the programme selected, in this case B, and will run the correct programme even though the selector dial appears to be at position C.
•We recommend you not to switch the appliance off and on during its operation. This would modify the memorised programme in progress with unsatisfactory washing results.