Usage Precautions
About radio waves used by this product
This product uses radio waves on the 2.4 GHz band. When using this product, a radio
station license is not necessary. However, please note the following cautions.
Do not use near the following:
■ Microwave ovens, industrial, scientific or medical equipment, such as pacemakers
■ In-factory radio stations for mobile unit identification systems (radio stations that require
a license) used in production lines of factories.
■ Specified low power radio stations (radio stations that do not require a license)
■ IEEE802.11g/b wireless LAN units
When this unit is used near any of the equipment mentioned above, it is possible that
electric wave interference could occur.
About wireless equipment used on the 2.4 GHz band
This frequency bandwidth is the same as for industrial, scientific, and medical equipment
such as microwave ovens, mobile unit identification systems (radio stations that require a
license) used in factory production lines, and specified low-power radio stations (radio
stations that do not require a license).
■ Before using this device, check that there are no radio stations for mobile unit
identification systems or specified low-power radio stations nearby.
■ If this product emits radio waves which interfere with in-factory radio stations for mobile unit
identification systems, cease use immediately and stop generating the radio waves. For
information on countermeasures, etc. (for example, erecting partitions), contact one of our
sales departments whose details are provided at the end of this manual.
■ If this unit emits radio waves which interfere with specified low-power radio stations
used for mobile unit identification systems, or causes similar problems, contact one of
our sales departments whose details are provided at the end of this manual.
About lithium-ion batteries
The lithium-ion battery that is used in the tablet is a rechargeable Li-ion battery. Because
this lithium-ion battery is easily affected by temperature and humidity, store it in a dry
location between 15 and 25°C.
During charging, after charging, and during use, the lithium-ion battery becomes warm.
Remove the lithium-ion battery from the tablet if it will not be used for a long time.
When using the lithium-ion battery, check that the outside and terminals of the battery are
not deformed in any way. Deformed lithium-ion batteries can be very dangerous and
should not be used under any circumstances.
The lithium-ion battery's service life is reduced if frequent top-up charging is performed.