OUT: Bit details of the byte are as following: bit 0 ~ bit 3
0 – Off
5- blink in 4s
6- blink in 8s
7- full on
8– undefined
9- fade away in step of 100ms
10- fade away in step of 200ms
11- fade away in step of 300ms
12- fade away in step of 400ms
13~ 15 - undefined
bit 4 ~ bit 6 - brightness 0 - off
1 - 7 different level, 7 is the brightest Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
16.EloEnableCameraFlash(unsigned int enable); Description: This API is obsolete.
17.EloGetCameraFlashStrength(unsigned int *pStrength);
Elo® Tablet NFC Reader Application Note
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