1.EloEnableLightSensor(unsigned char Data); Description: This API is obsolete
2.EloGetLightSensorData(unsigned int *pLightSensorData); Description: Retrieve the light sensor data
OUT: raw data 0 – 65535
Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
3.EloEnableAccelerometer(unsigned int enable); Description: This API is obsolete
4.EloGetAccelerometerData(unsigned short *pData, unsigned int length); Description: Retrieve the Accelerometer Data
IN: the parameter obsolete
OUT: WORD 0 of pData X, WORD 1 of pData Y, WORD 2 of pData Z
Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
5.EloGetAccelerometerSamplingPeriod(unsigned char *pData); Description: Retrieve the Accelerometer sampling period OUT: Raw data 0 – 255 units, 1 unit is 10ms.
Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
6.EloSetAccelerometerSamplingPeriod(unsigned char Data);
Elo® Tablet NFC Reader Application Note
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