3-16 Elo Entuitive Touc hmonitor User Guide
OSD AdjustmentsSymbol Function Process
H. Size Adjusts the horizontal size of the entire sc reen image.
H. Position Adjusts the horizontal position of the entire screen image.
V. Size Adjusts the vertical size of the entire sc reen image.
V. Position Adjusts the vertica l position of the entir e screen image.
Zoom Simultaneously changes vertical and horizontal image size.
Geometry Figure 3.4
Pincushion If the vertical sides of the picture curve in or bulge out, you
can correct the distortion by using the pincus hion adjustment.
Trapezoid If the picture is wider at the top or at the bottom, you can
correct the distorti on by using the trapezoid adjustment.
Parallel If the sides of the sc re e n im a g e ar e tilted, you can co rr ec t th e
distortion by using the parallel adjustment.
Balance If the sides of the picture are bowed to the right or the left, you
can correct the pin cushion balance by using this adjustment.
Corner Eliminates top corner distortion.
Corner Eliminates bottom corner distortion.