Table C.1
iTouch Touchscreen Speci f icat i o ns
MechanicalPositional Accurac y Standard deviation of error is less than 0.080 in. (2.03 mm). Equates to less
than ±1%.
Touchpoint Density M ore than 100,000 touchpo ints/in2 (15,500 touchpoints/cm2).
Touch Activation Force Typically less than 3 ounces (85 grams).
Surface Durability Surface durability is that of glass, Mohs’ hardness rating of 7.
Expected Life
Performanc e No known wear-out mechanism, as there are no layers, coatings, or moving parts.
iTouch technology ha s been operationally tested to more than 50 million touches in
one location without failure, using a stylus si mi lar to a finger.
Sealing Unit is sealed to protect against splashed liquids, dirt, and dust.
OpticalLight Transmission (per
ASTM D1003) 100%
Visual Resolution All measurements made usi ng US A F 1951 Resolution Chart, under 30X
magnification, with test unit located approximately 1.5 in (38 mm) from surface of
resolution ch a rt.
Clear surface: Excellent, with no noticeabl e degradation.
Antiglare surface: 6:1 minimum.
EnvironmentalChemical Resista nce The active area of the touchscreen is resistant to all chemicals that do not affect
glass, such as:
Methyl ethyl ketone
Isopropyl alcohol
Methyl alcohol
Ethyl acetate
Ammonia-based glass cleaners
Electrostati c Protection
(per EN 61 000-4-2, 1995) Meets Level 4 (15 kV air/8 kV contact discharges).