-Reset tuþu (17) cihazýn üst tarafýndadýr.

-Cihaz iyi çalýþmadýðýnda veya piller deðiþtirildiðinde bir tükenmez kalem kullanarak cihazý tamamen silin.

-Bu cihazý fabrika ayarýna getirecektir ve her türlü hafýza silinecektir (alarm ve saat ayarlarý)


-Cihazýn üzerine açýk ateþ yerleþtirmeyiniz (mum gibi vs.)

-Cihazý kapalý kitaplýklara koymayýnýz veya havalandýrma deliklerin kapatmayýnýz.

-Ateþ çýkmasýna karþý veya elektrik çarpmasýna karþý cihazý yaðmurdan veya rutubetten koruyunuz.

-Cihazý doðrudan güneþ ýþýðýna veya çok alçak veya çok yüksek sýcaklýklara maruz býrakmayýnýz. Ayný þekilde titreþimden ve tozlu çevreden kaçýnýnýz.

-Cihazýn kaplamasýný temizlemek için benzin, tiner veya baþka sert sývýlar kullanmayýnýz. Cihazý temizlerken yumuþak bir bez kullanýnýz.

-Cihazýn açýk deliklerine vida pin veya herhangi bir nesne sokmayýnýz.



Frekans aralýðý:

AM 525 – 1615 kHz


FM 87,5 – 108 MHz

Çýkýþ gücü:

280 mW

Hoparlör direnci:

8 ohm

Pil desteði:

1 x CR2032, 3V düz lityum (dahil deðildir)

Güç desteði:

AC 230V ~ 50 Hz, 5 watt


Cihazýn üzerine kesinlikle sývý madde dolu nesneler vazo vs. yerleþtirmeyiniz. Cihazýn içine sývý maddeler damlamamasý gerekmektedir.

Havalandýrma uyarýsý:

Cihazýn normal havalandýrmasýný engellemeyiniz.


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Image 109
Elta 4556 manual 109, Reset/Sýlme, Özellýkler, Dýkkat Dýkkatlý Kullanim Ýçýn

4556 specifications

Elta 4556 represents a significant advancement in the field of advanced radar systems, designed primarily for maritime and aerial surveillance. This state-of-the-art radar system is noted for its ability to operate in a diverse range of environments, making it suitable for military applications, border security, and search and rescue operations.

One of the main features of the Elta 4556 is its multi-mode capability, allowing it to perform various functions such as ground mapping, target tracking, and maritime surveillance. The system can detect and track multiple fast-moving targets, including aircraft and naval vessels, with remarkable precision. Its ability to operate in adverse weather conditions further enhances its operational efficiency, providing reliable data regardless of external factors.

The technology underpinning the Elta 4556 includes advanced phased array radar technology, which facilitates electronic scanning and significantly reduces the time needed to switch between modes. This allows for quick responses to emerging threats, essential for military engagements or critical security scenarios. The system can also be integrated with other platforms, such as UAVs, helicopters, and naval vessels, providing a comprehensive situational awareness capability.

Another notable characteristic is the radar's long-range detection capability. With the ability to identify targets at substantial distances, the Elta 4556 offers early warning and increased reaction time, which is crucial in defense applications. The system can operate effectively across a wide frequency range, allowing it to adapt to various operational needs and requirements.

The user interface is designed for ease of use, featuring advanced software that simplifies data analysis and provides intuitive controls for operators. This efficiency in data processing means that operators can make informed decisions quickly, thereby enhancing mission success rates.

In summary, the Elta 4556 is a cutting-edge radar system characterized by its multi-mode functionality, advanced phased array technology, long-range detection, and user-friendly interface. These features make it a valuable asset for military and security forces, demonstrating its potential to transform operational capabilities in the modern battlefield. With ongoing advancements in radar technology, the Elta 4556 stands as a testament to innovation in surveillance and defense systems.