EMC Fibre Channel Storage System Model FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide
striping, defined 2-2
unit number on worksheet 5-10, 5-17
disk-array storage system
application and LUN planning worksheet
cabinets 6-12
components 6-3
dimensions 6-9
hardware 1-13
hardware requirements shared/unshare d
installation types 1-8
managing 7-3
power requirements 6-12
remote mirror example 3-7
sample shared installation 5-3
site requirments 6-12
SP 6-5
unshared 5-7
weight 6-12
DPE (Disk Array Processor Enclosure)
components 6-3
dimensions 6-9
site requirements 6-9
weight 6-9
driver extensions software (CDE) 7-2
dual paths to LUNs 5-2
Eenclosure address (EA) 6-4
Ffabric, switch, introduced 1-3
failure with remote mirror 3-5, 3-6
fan-in (switch) 1-6
fan-out (switch) 1-6
Fibre Channel
adapter 1-4
components 1-4
defined 1-3
description, see also switch
switch, description 1-5
file system
name 5-19
planning 5-8
cabinet 6-12
DPE 6-9
storage system 6-12
fracture (mirror) 3-6
front-end port 6-5
GGBIC (gigabit interface converter) 3-3
global spare, see also hot spare
GUI (in storage-system management utilities) 7-3
data sheets 6-9
mirroring 2-2
mirroring, see also MirrorView software
planning worksheets 6-13
storage 6-3
storage system 1-13
tradeoffs 6-8
heat dissipation
DPE 6-9
storage system 6-10
DAE 6-11
DPE 6-9
storage system 6-12
high availability
hardware tradeoffs 6-8
remote mirror 3-4
shared switched installation 1-8
host, see server
host-bus adapter (HBA) 1-4
host-bus adapter driver package 1-4
hot spare
defined 2-9
sample applications 2-20
when to use 2-18
Iimage (mirror)
defined 2-2
image (remote mirror), defined 3-2
individual access array, see RAID 5 Group