Planning Applications, LUNs, and Storage Groups
Planning File Systems and LUNs
LUN Details Worksheet Storage system (complete this section once for each storage system)
Storage-system number or name:__SS1____
Storage-system installation type
❏Unshared Direct ❏Shared-or-Clustered Direct ❏Shared Switched
SP information: SP A: IP address or hostname:__SS1spa_Port ALPA ID:__0_ Memory(Mbytes):_256__
SP B: IP address or hostname:__SS1spb_Port ALPA ID:_1___ Memory(Mbytes):_256__
❏Caching Read cache size:_80_ MBWrite cache size:_160_ MB Cache page size (Kbytes):_2_
❏ RAID-3
LUN ID:__0 __ SP owner: ❏A ❏B SP bus (0 or 1):_0 __
RAID Group ID: 0 Size,GB: 18 LUN size, GB: 18 Disk IDs:
RAID type: ❏RAID 5 ❏RAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ ❏RAID 1 mirrored pair ❏RAID 0
❏RAID 1/0 ❏Individual disk ❏Hot spare
Caching: ❏Read and write ❏Write ❏Read ❏None
Servers that can access this LUN’s Storage Group: Server1 2
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive: V
LUN ID:__1___ SP owner: ❏A ❏B SP bus (0 or 1):___
RAID Group ID: 1 Size, GB: 18 LUN size,GB: 18 Disk IDs:
RAID type: ❏RAID 5 ❏RAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ ❏RAID 1 mirrored pair ❏RAID 0
❏RAID 1/0 ❏Individual disk ❏Hot spare
Caching: ❏Read and write ❏Write ❏Read ❏None
Servers that can access this LUN’s Storage Group: Server1
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive: T
LUN ID:__2___ SP owner: ❏A ❏B SP bus (0 or 1):__1 _
RAID Group ID: 2 Size,GB: 72 LUN size, GB: 72 Disk IDs:
RAID type: ❏RAID 5 ❏RAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ ❏RAID 1 mirrored pair ❏RAID 0
❏RAID 1/0 ❏Individual disk ❏Hot spare
Caching: ❏Read and write ❏Write ❏Read ❏None
Servers that can access this LUN’s Storage Group: Server1
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive: U
000, 001
002, 003