Planning Applications, LUNs, and Storage Groups
Planning File Systems and LUNs
Table 5- 1 Cache Recommendations for Different RAID Types
Servers that can access this LUN’s Storage Group. For shared
switched storage or shared-or-clustered direct storage, enter the
name of each server (copied from the LUN and Storage Group
worksheet). For unshared direct storage, this entry does not
Operating system information: Device name. Enter the
operating system device name, if this is important and if you
know it. Depending on your operating system, you may not be
able to complete this field now.
File system, partition, or drive. Write the name of the file system,
partition, or drive letter you will create on this LUN. This is the
same name you wrote on the application worksheet.
On the following line, write any pertinent notes; for example, the
file system mount- or graft-point directory pathname (from the
root directory). If any of this storage system’s LUNs will be
shared with another server, and the other server is the primary
owner of this LUN, write secondary. (As mentioned earlier, if the
storage system will be used by two servers, we suggest you
complete one of these worksheets for each server.)
What Next? This chapter outlined the LUN planning tasks for storage systems. If
you have completed the worksheets to your satisfaction, you are
ready to learn about the hardware needed for these systems as
explained in Chapter 6.
RAID 5 RAID 3 RAID 1 RAID 1/0 RAID 0 Individual Unit
Recommended Not allowed Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended