metre) below the ceiling where they may respond before being obscured by smoke. Consider shortening time delay settings when smoke is expected to accumulate during a fire. If dense smoke is likely to accumulate prior to flame (as in an electrical fire), supplement UV detectors with other protection.
The detector should be mounted in a low vibration area be easy to access for cleaning purposes and should not have glass or plexiglass windows between the device and the potential fire. Locate detectors to ensure an unobstructed view of the area to be monitored. To minimize dirt accumulation around the vi surfaces, mount the detectors so that the internal vi source tube is on top. The silver external reflector should be placed directly over the vi source tube. Refer to Figures 4 and 5 for the detector and swivel mount dimensions. Refer to Figure 3 for a diagram of the assembled detector and swivel mount assembly.
Figure 3 - Detector with Swivel Mount