Here are the 5 custom print modes youll be using.
The names of these modes are:
Hy-Rez QuikRip 1
Hy-Rez QuikRip 2
Hy-Rez QuikRip 3
Hy-Rez QuikRip Dark
Hy-Rez QuikProof
The QuickRip 1 setting is most likely the one of choice if you have
difficulty in controlling dot gain on press. This setting modifies the
density of the entire usable tonal range so a 10% - 20% - 30% etc.,
dot images to the substrate correctly in less than ideal conditions.
The QuickRip 2 and QuickRip 3 we refer to as our Normal Modes.
The primary difference is the manner in which the 5% to 20% tonal
range are modified. You may find the #3 setting more appealing
when outputting art from Illustration software such as FreeHand,
Illustrator and Corel. This is especially true if the art contains
postscript gradients.
The QuickRip Dark setting initially scales back the size of the half-
tone dots themselves allowing for a second pass of ink within the
ink jet. This setting is useful when imaging to poor quality film.
Those who only use high-quality film such as Hy-Rez Polyester Ink
Jet Imaging Film available from High Res Solutions will not have to
use this setting.
The QuikProof mode is for outputting an accurate color proof of your
All settings above are employed to generate film positives and
control the entire usable tonal range of 5% - 80%, not only the
5% - 20% range. Attempting to use PhotoScript without Hy-Rez
QuikRIP will provide unsatisfactory results on press.