emulation in native serif and sans serif fonts in 10, 12, 15, and
proportional sizes.
Print Density:
This sets the default print density (darkness) of the printing.
Darker print will use more battery power, but may be easier to
read if the font or other printed information is made up of
very narrow lines. If battery conservation is more important,
adjusting the setting for lightest print will do so. ‘Low’ =
lighter, and ‘High’ = darker print.
Form Feed Mode:
This setting affects what the printer will do in response to a
Form Feed command from any source. Different modes are
appropriate depending upon the type of paper being used.
‘Fixed Page’ mode is typically appropriate. It assumes a known
page length (based upon the ‘Form Length’ and/or ‘Paper
Size’ settings). It advances a new sheet to the printing
position, and attempts to eject it at an appropriate distance
based upon the length of the page.
‘End of Page’ mode makes no assumptions about page length,
and will continue to feed the paper forward to a maximum
page length of 14” or until the Paper Sensor detects that no
paper remains in the input of the printer. Note that either the
end of a cut sheet, or the black mark printed on the back of
certain roll and perforated paper, will be detected as the end
of a page.
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