User-defined Characters

This example of a character definition program should make this clear:

10 LPRINT CHR$(27)"x0"20 LPRINT CHR$(27)"&"CHR$(0);30 LPRINT "@@";40 LPRINT CHR$(1)CHR$(9)CHR$(1);50 FOR I=1 TO 2760 READ A: LPRINT CHR$(A);70 NEXT I80 LPRINT "@@@@@"90 LPRINT CHR$(27)"%"CHR$(1);100 LPHINT "@@@@@"110 LPRINT CHR$(27)"%"CHR$(0);120 LPRINT "@@@@@"130 END140 DATA 1,0,0,2,0,0,4,0,0150 DATA 8,0,0,23,255,240,8,0,0160 DATA 4,0,0,2,0,0,1,0,0

In line 10, the ESC x0 command selects draft printing.

The actual character definition starts in line 20. The two @ signs in line 30 represent n1 and n2, the range of characters being defined (in this case, a range of 1). Line 40 contains d0, d1, and d2.

The information about the actual character design (which is contained in the DATA statements at the end of the program) is sent to the printer in the loop between lines 50 and 70.

Note: When defining Letter Quality or proportional characters, put a WIDTH statement in your program to prevent carriage return and line feed codes from interfering with your definitions.

4-26Software and Graphics