Communications Settings
The Model 9840 supports remote operation using a standard Remote interface consisting
of ASCII characters and terminal emulation software package such as HyperTerminal or
ProComm. The baud rate is set using the Com Baud rate item on the System Options
menu. Supported rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19.2k baud. There
must be 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
To support the multi-drop Remote option each unit is assigned a communications
address, which is set using the Com Address item on the System Options menu.
Communications Format
All the commands have the following format:
The @ symbol initiates the command, all commands must begin with this symbol. The
number 123 is the address of the Model 9840 which should respond to this command.
This MUST be 3 digits so type 001 for unit one, and 026 for unit twenty-six. The
command itself will be a sequence of letters such as the XYZ shown above. If the
command requires a number as one of its parameters the number must be followed by the
pound sign “#”. Numbers that are less than one should include a leading zero so you
should type 0.123# to enter one hundred-twenty three thousandths. Commands are not
processed until a carriage return <CR> is sent.
No Model 9840 will respond to address 000. All Model 9840’s will respond to address
255. Throughout the rest of this section we will assume that you are using address 123.
Whenever an Model 9840 executes a remote command it will issue an acknowledge that
includes the address and any required data.
╠═ H Hello fetches unit description
╠═ ? Get item and unit numbers
╠═ FV View item and unit settings
╠═ FS (item)(unit) Set displayed item and unit
╠═ FA Alternate display, like view button
╠═ F1 Switches view pointer to display
line 1 (upper)
╠═ F2 Switches view pointer to display
line 2 (lower), or virtual display if
line 2 is disabled
╠═ V (item)(unit)(repeat) Get Value of an item and unit
╠═ P (repeat) Print a set of readings
╠═ R (tare)(peak)(vall)(pos) Reset read ings
╠═ X Freeze display
╚═ T (hold)(text) Place text on display
MODEL 9840 PG 25 PUB. 2856-16