The Calibration counts per Inch View (CIV) command displays the current setting of the
encoder counts per inch constant.
@123 Encoder is 32000 counts per inch
The Calibration counts per Inch Set (CIS) command allows you to change the current
setting of the encoder counts per inch constant.
@123 Encoder is 64000 counts per inch
Limits Command (L) This command allows you to view or set the 4 contact closure limit switches on the Model
9840. There are three subcommands Limit View (LiV), Limit Set (LiS), and Limit Reset
(LiR). Note that changing a cell type on a channel will automatically erase limits tat were
set for that channel. They must then be reset by the user.
Limit View Command (LiV) The Limit View (LiV) command is used to view the current settings of one of the limits.
The format is L(limit number)V.
@123 Lim 1 NO Enabled Load A Lb Set 20.00 Trip>Set Latch Off
Reset 1.000
This line indicates that Limit 1 is a normally open switch (NO) rather than a normally
closed switch (NC). The limit is Enabled rather than Disabled. The signal driving this
limit is Load in Lb. The limit will be turned on when the load exceeds 20.00 Lb. It is
not a Latching limit (latching requires a manual reset). The limit will automatically reset
when the load is less than 1.00 Lb. Torque can be substituted for load for an
appropriate cell.
Limit Set Command (LiS) The Limit Set (LiS) command is broken up into 4 separate commands. They have the
following format:
L(limit number)SA(space) (normal position)(enable)(item number)(unit number)
L(limit number)SB(space) (setpoint number)#
L(limit number)SC(space) (< or >)(latching)
L(limit number)SD(space) (reset point number)#
MODEL 9840 PG 43 PUB. 2856-16