Note: If you see this screen, click Add.

If SP820 Series already appears in the

Printer list, go to step 15.

13.At the Printer List screen, click Add Printer.

14.Select EPSON USB, click SP820 Series(USB), then click Add.

Your printer appears on the printer list.

15. Close Print Center and start up your Macintosh in OS 9.x or in Classic mode.

Follow the instructions in the next section to install the OS 9.x printer driver and optional software for your Macintosh Classic applications. (You don’t need to reinstall your printer movies and manual.)

Installing Printer Software for Mac OS 9.x

1.Turn on your Macintosh. (Make sure your printer is connected and turned on.)

2.Put the EPSON CD-ROM in your CD-ROM or DVD drive and wait a few seconds for the CD-ROM to be recognized.

3.Select EPSON on your desktop, if necessary. Then select EPSON in the window that opens.

Installing Your Printer Software 57