This section gives a brief description of serial data communication conditions and handshaking protocols supported by the C82305 * /C82306 * interface card.

Serial data communications

The CL32305 * /C82306 * interface allows you to select either RS-232D or 20 mA Current Loop signal levels; but never both at the same time.

This interface card also provides for either DTR (Data Terminal Ready) or X-on/X-off handshaking protocol.

About data entry

Transmitted data from a host computer is stored in your printer’s internal buffer. (This interface card has no buffer memory.) When this buffer becomes full, any additional transmitted data cannot be accepted and would be discarded. To prevent such data loss, special handshaking protocols are provided to regulate the flow of data transmission. The two protocols available on the C82305 * /C82306 * interface card are DTR and X-on/X-off.


When a parity error (if parity check is enabled), framing error, or overrun error is detected in the data received, data is ignored or an asterisk (*) is printed instead. (Since the handling of communication errors depend on your type of printer, refer to your printer’s specifications for details.)