Enter a number from 1 to 999 to generate multiple copies of your document. The default value is 1.
PagesYou can specify the pages of your document to print. The default setting is All, displayed by the All button. You can enter the page numbers in the boxes From: and TO:. The available range for the boxes is from 1 to 9999.
Print AsYou can select the printout method from B/W, Color (if available on your printer), or Grayscale. The default setting is B/W.
Prints the image in black and white, even if the image on the screen is color.
GrayscalePrints the image using grayscale, which simulates shades of gray even if the image on the screen is color. This option appears if the printer’s PPD file supports the grayscale feature.
ColorPrints the image using color. This option appears if the printer’s PPD file supports color printing.
Print ToYou can select whether the computer prints to your printer or saves the print data as a file on your disk. The default setting is
Printer.If you select File, the Print button changes to Save. Clicking this button saves your document as a file. The following window then appears:
Setting Up Your Macintosh