Chapter 3

Using the EpsonScript Driver Utility

This chapter explains about the EpsonScript Utility. This utility program has the ability to change many of your printer and printer driver settings.


This utility can also work with other PostScript printer(s). And, some features enable you to remove data from your printer, such as fonts in your printer’s RAM and on the hard disk. Make sure you have backup copies of this data before you delete it.

Operation outline

The EpsonScript Utility is installed on your hard disk during installation. If you cannot find this utility in your hard disk window, run the installer to install this program according to the steps in Chapter 1.

1.Turn on your computer.

2.Open your hard disk window.

3.Double click EpsonScript Utility. The utility program searches the printers available on your AppleTalk network. The following window is then displayed.

Using the EpsonScript Driver Utility 3-1