Dots per inch. The dpi measures the resolution. See also resolution.
A software program that sends instructions to a computer peripheral to tell it what
to do. For example, your printer driver accepts print data from your word processor
application and sends instructions to the printer on how to prin t this data.
economy printing
Printing in which images are printed with fewer dots t o save ink.
error diffusion
This halftoning setting smoothes out edges by blending dots of varying colors.
A style of type designated by a family name.
A scale of shades of gray from black to white. Grayscale is used to represent colors
when printing with black ink only.
Patterns of black or colored dots used to reproduce an image.
Method of using dot patterns to represent an image. Halftoning makes it possible to
produce varying shades of gray using only black dots, or a nearly infinite array of
colors using only a few colors of dots. See also halftones.
high speed printing
Printing in which images are printed in both direction s. This provides fa ster
Returns the printer to its defaults (fixed set of conditions). This happens every time
you turn on the printer or reset the printer.
ink jet
A method of printing in which each letter or symbol is formed by precisely
spraying ink onto paper.
The connection between the computer and a peripheral such as a printer. Generally,
printers have two interfaces, parallel and serial. A parallel interface transmits data
one byte, or eight bits, at a time. A ser ial interface transmits data one bit at a t ime.
loading position
The position to which the paper is automatically loaded.
Materials upon which data is printed, such as envelopes, plain paper, special paper,
and transparencies.
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