The EPL-5500W has a sophisticated, built-in, self-diagnostic function that reduces troubleshooting time by
identifying failed parts or components. This self-diagnostic test identifies the troubleshooting problems for
page printers, in which even a trivial failure can result in a serious print quality problem.
5.2 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND TOOLThis section describes the self-diagnostic function, in which the controller automatically checks the operating
conditions of each component. If any abnormality is detected, the printer driver displays a message in the
status window.
If an engine error is detected, the printer driver displays a “SERVICE CALL” message. This error message
does not display error information details. To isolate the problem more, you must read the engine error status
register of the printer using a special tool. This tool is program for Windows 3.1.
The procedure for using the program is as follows:
1. Connect the EPL-5500W to the PC’s LPT1 port, and power the printer on.
2. Start Windows 3.1.
3. If you are using the EPL-5500W printer driver, you must change it so that it does not direct output to a
printer. (If you are not using the EPL-5500W printer driver, skip to step 9.)
The tool program cannot run if EPL-5500W printer driver output is directed a printer port in
Windows 3.1, because the EPL-5500W printer driver and special tool both use an interface
protocol program. The interface protocol program for the special tool cannot be active in Windows
3.1 while the interface protocol for the EPL-5500W printer driver is active.
4. Open the Main window in Windows 3.1.
5. Open the Printers window.
6. Select EPL-5500W.
7. Click the Connect button to change the Ports: selection in the Connect menu from LPT1: or LPT2:
to FILE:.
8. Select another printer under the Installed Printers: list, and then click the Set As Default Printer
9. Run the SLEEKDBG.EXE file for the special tool from the Program Manager. Windows 3.1 opens the
Cimarosa Debug Tool window.
10. Set the Port to LPT1 in the Cimarosa Debug Tool window.
11. Click the Read / Write Register button in the Cimarosa Debug Tool window. The Select
Protocol Cimarosa windowis opene d.
12. Set the protocol to Peppy.
13. Type 000D in the Address box and 04 in the Data write box. Then click the Write button.
14. Type 000E in the Address box. And then click the Read button. The Data read box displays the
error code.
The error codes are shown in Table 5-1 on the next page.
EPL-5500W Service Manual Troubleshooting
Rev. A 5-1