Cause Step Checkpoint Finding Solution
The paper take-up
solenoid coils may be
open or shorted. 1
Disconnect CN203 on the
C180 MAIN board, andcheck
the coil resistance between
pins 5 and 6 on the
disconnected cable side of the
connector using a multimeter.
Is the resistance
approximately 80 ohms?
No Replace the paper
take-up solenoid.
If the coil is shorted,check the
solenoid drive circuit using the
procedure below:
1. Set the multimeter to
2. Place the (–) terminal of
the multimeter on pin 5
of connector CN207 on
the C180 MAIN board.
3. Place the (+) terminal of
the multimeter on pin 6
With power on, does the
multimeter detect any current?
Replace the paper
take-up solenoid
and the C180 MAIN
The main motor coils
may be openor shorted.
Disconnect CN206 on the
C180 MAIN board, andcheck
the coil resistance between
pins 1 and 2 andbetween pins
3 and 4 (2 points total)on the
disconnected cable side of the
connector using a multimeter.
Pin 1 — Pin 2
Pin 3 — Pin 4
Are the resistances of all four
points approximately 10 ohms?
No Replace the main
If any coil isshorted, check the
main motor drive circuit using
the following procedure:
1. Set the multimeter to
2. Place the (–) terminal of
the multimeter on pins
1, 2, 3, or 6 of CN206
on the C180 MAIN
3. Place the (+) terminal on
pin 2 of CN207 on the
C180 MAIN board
With power on, does the
multimeter detect current?
Yes Replace the C180
MAIN board.
Continued on next page
EPL-5500W Service Manual Troubleshooting
Rev. A 5-5