2Insert the hooked edge of the developer cleaner about a half inch (13 mm) between the developer roller and the brass blade, as shown below. Draw the cleaner the full length of the developer unit several times, discarding excess toner. Then reinstall the developer unit in the basket.

1 ISO Characters 1

The decimal numbers in the top row show the characters that differ from Roman-8for each of the ISO symbol sets listed in the first column.

Installation/Support Tips

Set up

1. R66d fhr olraning ohapt6r ol the Urur’6 Manual prior to in6tallation.

2.T66t pap6r tor the larUr prtnt6r prior to puroha66.

Toner Cartridges

Thrr6 IUU two typw of tonor cartridg66. The initial tidg6, whloh 16 u66d when the EPL8ooo I6 brand n6w and when the d6v6lop6r unil 16 rOpbO6d. holds enough tonr for approximat6ty 750 pdnt6. The 6Uppb oartrldgr, u66d for rsplao6ment at dl othU tim66, hold6 enough ton6r for about 15tlO prints.


1.When u6ing 6ofhvam p&age6 with the EPL-, 66kot HP hS6dt 6Wi@6 11 a8 th6 pfint6r. !f thi6 i6 not aWiiab!O, 6&W%

HP La66rJ6t + . If neither i6 nnllable, 66leot HP -Jet.

2. It you M uolng a font oartrldgs, rn6ur6 that the 6oftware i6 wt up to 6uppolt it.

Laser Printers
