4.Type A:SETUP.EXE (or B:SETUP.EXE) in the Command Line text box and choose OK. The Adobe Photoshop Installer dialog box appears, as shown below.
1500 K
Space Required: 8412K
Space Availabb: 833881:
5.Leave the Installation Options selected. If you are concerned about disk space, consult the Photoshop User Guide.
6.Choose Install. The registration screen appears.7.Enter your name, organization (optional), and the serial number of the program. You’ll find Photoshop’s serial number inside the front cover of the Photoshop User Guide.
8.Choose OK. Then follow the instructions as they appear on your screen, choosing OK to continue the installation.
9.When you see a message that the installation is complete, choose OK to return to the Program Manager.
10.Remove the final installation disk from the drive.The installation program creates an Adobe program group containing the Photoshop icons.