2-10 Using Your Scanner
Rev. C
A5 size CHAP2.FM
10/28/98 Pass 0
LProof Sign-off:
M. Fujimori _______
<leadername> _______
<editorname> _______
MonitorsThe resolution of your monitor affects the quality of the image
you see. Consider a high resolution m onitor if you do precise color
work, but also be sure you have a high quality video card .
File compression softwareMany different programs are available to make image files
smaller for storage or transmission. For example, some
compression software can store a 3MB image file on a 1.44MB
floppy disk, and compress images and restore them with no loss
of data or quality; others compress images more, bu t the restored
file is not exactly the same as the original. The difference between
the original and restored files is, however, almost unnoticeable.