The Interface Boards

2. Reattach the board cover.

CAUTION: When an optional interface board is installed, be sure to disconnect the printer cable from the printer’s built-in parallel interface. Two interface cables must not be connected at the same time.

#8143 New Serial Interface

If you are using an optional interface, it may be necessary for you to alter the communication protocol of the printer or the computer so that they can communicate properly. In most cases, you should use the information in your optional interface manual or your computer’s manual to match the computer with the interface.

If you are using the #8143 optional interface board, make sure that you read through the section below on baud rate selection. You may also want to see the following sections on handshaking timing and error handling for interface information specific to the LQ-1010printer.

For all other data transfer conventions, such as word structure or communications protocol, use the information in the manual supplied with your #8143 optional interface.

Using the Printer Options
