affect your system if possible. You can also POKE the problem codes directly to the printer port.

Seven- bit computers cannot use the eighth pin (12 8). If you have a seven-bit computer and a n y o f y o u r g r a p h i c s d a t a numbers are larger than 127, change the design so that all numbers are less than 128.

Be sure that no other commands or carriage returns come between the graphics command and its data. See Chapter 9.

Printer “freezes” in graphics The printer expects a certain

mode.number of pin patterns, determined by nl and n2. It will wait patiently until the quota is full. Note that 9-pin graphics mode requires two bytes for each column of graphics.

Can’t get a full page in width.

Some systems require a WIDTH statement. See your system docu- mentation.

Problems with paper feeding or irregular darkness of printing.

If a self-adhesive label comes off of the backing, it may stick behind the platen and cause problems with paper feeding and printing. If this happens, take your LX-86 to a qualified service person; do not attempt to remove the label yourself.
