For any combination,. just add up the values of each of the modes you want and use the total as the number after ESCape “!“. For example, to calculate the code for double-width italic underlined pica, add the following numbers together:

underline 128

italic64 double-width 32



To print this combination, therefore, you use ESCape "!” followed by the number 224. In BASIC the command is CHR$(27)“!” CHR$(224).

To try this number or any other, enter and run this short program, which will ask you for a Master Select number and then give you a sample of printing using that code. Again, if you are using Applesoft BASIC, see Appendix F.

1 0 I N P U T “ M a s t e r S e l e c t n u m b e r ” ; M 20 LPRINT CHR$ (27) ”!“ CHR$(M)

3 0 L P R I N T “ T h i s s a m p l e o f p r i n t i n g u s e s ”

40 LPRINT "Master Select number";M

50 LPRINT CHR $ (27) “@”

In this program, you can use any number you calculate with the formula above, but remember that emphasized can’t combine with condensed or elite. If you try to combine emphasized with either of the two narrow pitches, you won’t harm your printer; it will simply use a priority list in its memory to determine which mode to use. This priority list causes a corn bination of emphasized and elite to produce elite only, a combination of emphasized and condensed to produce emphasized only, and a combination of all three to produce condensed elite.

Master Select is a powerful code that gives you an easy way to produce multiple combination's with a single command. To see double-strike emphasized italic printing, for example, you need only one ESCape code instead of three.