Note: If the printer beeps twice before you release the buttons, you have pressed the FORM FEED button before the OFF LINE button instead of at the same time and the LX-86 is in the NLQ mode. Press the OFF LINE button to put the printer back on line and press the DRAFT button if you do not want NLQ. Then press both the OFF LINE and FORM FEED buttons to turn on SelecType.

Figure 2-1. Turning SelecType on

When you release the OFF LINE and FORM FEED buttons, the LX-86 signals in three ways that SelecType is on.

• The printer beeps.

The READY light turns off.

• The ON LINE light begins flashing.

Selecting typestyles

In SelecType, each button has a function:

OFF LINE selects typestyles. *FORM FEED sets the styles. •LINE FEED turns SelecType off.