On the User Page, you can manage your account and printer information, and configure print settings or email
notifications. Access the User Page from your smartphone, tablet, or computer connected to the Internet.
Access the Epson Connect User Page Sign-In page from the following URL: https://www.epsonconnect.com/user/
After registering your printer and account to Epson Connect, you can do the following from the User Page:
❏Displaying the registered printer(s) list for the Epson Connect service
❏Displaying and cancelling print jobs for Email Print and the Remote Print service
❏Creating and editing the Approved Senders List for the Email Print service
❏Editing information for the user account and registered printer for the Epson Connect service
❏Suspending and resuming Email Print
❏Settings for email notifications
❏Enabling Remote Print and setting an Access Key for the Remote Print service
❏Creating and editing the Destination List for the Scan to Cloud service
❏If you want to use Remote Print services (Epson iPrint or Epson Remote Driver), you have to check that Remote Print is
enabled on the User Page.
❏If you want to use the Scan to Cloud service, you have to create a Destination List.
& See “3. Creating a Destination List for the Scan to Cloud service” on page 16.
Epson Connect Guide
Epson Connect and Other Mobile Solutions