Configuring Your Network Connection

Follow the instructions in your Projector User’s Guide to start EasyMP and insert the EPSON 802.11b card in the projector.

Determine whether you will use Ad Hoc mode or Access Point mode to connect to the projector. Follow the instructions in your Projector User’s Guide to configure the projector for the mode you will be using. Then follow the instructions beginning on page 5 to set up your Macintosh in either Ad Hoc mode or Access Point mode.

Before you can connect to the projector, you need to make sure the network settings on your Macintosh match the settings on the projector.

1.From the Apple pull-down menu, select System Preferences. Then double-click the Network icon. You see the Network Settings window:

Check the port you want to use

2.Under Port Configurations, select AirPort for a wireless network or Built-in Ethernet for a wired network.

3.Click Apply Now. Then close the window.


EMP NS Connection does not support Macintosh Channel Ad Hoc mode.


Make sure that only one port is selected.