See printer driver.
economy printing
Printing in which images are printed with fewer dots to save ink and increase printing speed.
error diffusion
A halftoning method where dot patterns are randomly distributed in an image to create soft edges.
Enhanced version of the ESC/P® printer command language. ESC/P is the EPSON Standard Code for Printers. The system of commands sent by the computer to control the printer. It is standard for all EPSON printers and supported by most application software for personal computers.
A style of type designated by a family name, such as Courier or Helvetica™.
An image consisting of multiple shades of gray, ranging from white to black.
Method of repeating tiny dot patterns to represent images.
hex dump
A troubleshooting feature that helps identify the cause of communication problems between the printer and the computer. When the printer is in hex dump mode, it prints each code it receives in hexadecimal notation and ASCII characters. Also called data dump.
high speed printing
Printing in which the printer produces text and images by printing in both directions (bidirectionally). This provides faster output than unidirectional printing.
The process of restoring the printer’s default settings (fixed set of conditions).