Your printer makes noise when you turn it on or after it has been sitting for awhile.
Your printer is performing routine maintenance.
Printing is too slow.
Make sure your system meets the requirements listed on page 57. If you’re printing a
■Clear space on your hard drive or run a defragmentation utility.
■Close open programs that you’re not using.
■Increase your system’s memory (RAM).
For the fastest printing, try these tips:
■Set the Quality Option to Draft (Windows) or the Quality/Speed slider to Speed (Macintosh).
■In the Advanced options, turn MicroWeave® off (Macintosh only) and turn
High Speed on.
■If your printer is connected to a hub, disconnect USB devices that you’re not using.
Borderless printing takes longer, especially near the edges of the paper.
Print Quality ProblemsYou see banding (light lines).
■The print head nozzles may need cleaning; see page 31 for instructions.
■Select a higher print quality and turn off High Speed mode. see page 10 (Windows) or page 14 (Macintosh) for instructions.
■Make sure the Type (Windows) or Media Type (Macintosh) setting matches the paper you loaded; see page 17 for guidelines.
48Solving Problems