Table A3-1 Packet Data
Data Description
xxxxxxxxxxxxh Destination Address consists of 6 byte.
This Address is specified as Fixed Address or Broadcast Address.
If the fixed Address is specified, Wakeup Frame is enabled for the client with
that address.
However, the Client is in Power Off mode , Data Transfer is not performed and it
can be deleted on other Node by the R outing Table or Internal Cache
depends on the Protocol.
Also, the destination of the address is unkown for the Router and Node.
Therefore, the Wakeup Address directly addressed to the terget client is
This problems can be solved using the Broadcast Address.
In the Directivity Multiaddress Calling, Router and Node fo rward the address to
the appropriate Network since it carries Network Address and Multiaddress
Calling Host Address.
Therefore, it can detect the Directivity Multia ddress Calling as MAC Level
Multiaddress Calling even if the client is on th e Power Off mode.
yyyyyyyyyyyyh Source Address consiists of 6 byte.
MISC-1 Such as IP Header.
FFFFFFFFFFFFh Data Field consists of theHardware Synchonism Field and Address Field.
112233445566h Hardware Synchonism Field consists of 6 byte and coordinated with FFh byte
112233445566h contents.
: MAC Address of the Terget Client for the Target Client is repeated 16 ti mes in
the Address Field, and it cannot find in other Network Frame.
: This Data Field can be repeated in a single Wakeup Frame.
: In other words, single Wakeup Frame can send Wakeup command to several .
112233445566h clients
MISC-2 Option data same as other Network Frame
CRC Dedicated Data added for Error Check.
CRC include CRC-12, CRC-16, CRC-32 etc, normally CRC-32 with 32 bit Length is
applied to the Network.