7. Press the start button. If prompted, select where you placed your document (ADF or scanner
Note: To cancel faxing, select Cancel.
Your product scans your original and prompts you to place additional pages, if necessary.
8. Hang up the telephone.
After scanning your originals, your product sends the fax.
Parent topic: Sending Faxes from the Product Control Panel
Related references
Fax Sending Options
Related topics
Placing Originals on the Product
Broadcasting a Fax
You can easily send a fax to several recipients at the same time using your speed dial list or group dial
list, or by entering phone numbers. You can send the same fax to up to 30 phone numbers.
Note: You can only send faxes in black-and-white when you use this option.
1. Place your original on the product for faxing.
2. Press the home button, if necessary.
3. Select Fax.