You can select the individual checks from this menu:
1 - Video adapter check
2 - Attribute check
3 - Character set check
4 -
5 - 320X200 graphics mode check
6 - 640X200 graphics mode check
7 - Screen paging check
8 - Color video check
9 - Sync check
10 - Run all above checks
0 - Exit
Enter selection number:
If you specified to run the video check multiple times, this menu does not display and only the first test (Video adapter check) is performed.
If an error occurs during any of these tests, record the error code and message, or print them out. Then contact your Epson dealer.
When you finish running the video adapter and display
check, press 0 and Enter to return to the DEVICE LIST.
Video adapter checkTo check the video adapter, press 1 and then Enter.
The computer checks the video RAM (display memory) on
the display adapter by writing test data to memory and then
reading it back and comparing it to the written data. The
computer also tests the video enable signal of the display
controller chip.
Performing System Diagnostics |