4.When the diskette is completely formatted, you see messages such as these (for a 720KB diskette):

Format complete

730112 bytes total disk space

730112 bytes available on disk Format another (Y/N)?

At this point, you can either press Y and Enter to format another diskette, or press N and Enter to return to the MS-DOS system prompt.

Formatting with one diskette drive

1.Insert your working copy of the MS-DOS system diskette in drive A (and press any key if necessary) or log on to drive C (the hard disk) by typing C:.

2.When you see the A> or C> prompt, type:


and press Enter. You see this prompt:

Insert new diskette for drive A: and strike ENTER when ready

3.If the MS-DOS diskette is in drive A, remove it. Then insert the diskette you want to format in drive A, and press Enter to start formatting. MS-DOS displays the head and cylinder numbers as it formats each cylinder of the diskette.

4.When the diskette is completely formatted, you see these messages:

Format complete

730112 bytes total disk space

730112 bytes available on disk Format another (Y/N)?

At this point, you can either format another diskette by pressing Y and Enter, or return to the MS-DOS system prompt by pressing N and Enter.

Using MS-DOS With the Equity LT
