LED Indicators

Above the keyboard on the right side are seven LED (light emitting diode) indicators that provide information about the computer’s operation.

The POWER LED is on whenever the computer is on. The color of the light indicates the current execution speed. (See “Selecting Execution Speed” below.)

The LOW BAT LED flashes when the battery is low. (See “Using the Battery” above.)

The two DRIVE LEDs, labeled L (left) and R (right), indicate which of the drives is being accessed, if any. If you have a hard disk, the LED labeled L is for the hard disk. When one of these lights is on, the computer is writing to or reading from the disk in that drive. Never turn off the computer or remove a diskette from the drive if the light is on. If you connected an external diskette drive, it should have its own LED.

The CAPS, NUM, and SCROLL LEDs indicate whether the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock key functions are enabled. (See “Special Keys on the Equity LT Keyboard” below.)

Using the Equity LT
