2 | 2 |
Compare this measurement |
| |
Compare this measurement to the |
| |
recommended screw (based on display |
back type and diameter), taking into |
| |
consideration the need for a minimum |
amount of thread engagement (the |
minimum thread engagement is the |
| OO |
same as the diameter of the screw, for |
instance, the minimum thread engage- | OO |
ment for an 8mm diameter screw is |
8mm). |
| OO |
If the screw is longer than your |
display’s mounting hole depth, you will |
| # | |
need to compensate by using one of | OO | OO |
the provided 6mm spacers - choose |
| $ | |
Short Spacer A for 4mm and 5mm | OO | OO |
diameter screws and Short Spacer |
| |
B for 6mm and 8mm screws*. If your |
display back design is Curved or Inset, |
additional spacers have been provided |
to compensate for variations in depth |
| |
- choose Long Spacer A for 4mm | # | OO | OO |
and 5mm diameter screws and Long |
| $ | |
Spacer B for 6mm and 8mm screws**. | OO | OO |
3 |
| |
Test Fasteners | 3 | |
| ||
It is important that you test the chosen |
| |
fastener combination to be sure it is |
| |
the right size for your display: partially |
| |
thread the screw into the display by |
| |
hand with the correct combination |
| |
of washers and spacers (do not fully |
| |
insert and do not tighten screw at this |
| |
time). If you feel resistance, remove the | ||
screw immediately and check to see if | ||
| ||
a screw with a better matching size has | ||
been provided. If you are unable to find | ||
| ||
an appropriate sized screw for your dis- |
| |
play, contact Ergotron Customer Care. |
| |
If the chosen combination of fasteners |
| |
is correct for your situation, mount | 'TIQVTQP | |
the display brackets to your display as | ||
| ||
instructed in the provided Tilt Mount |
| |
Assembly manual. |
| |
$ PP
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